Healing Your Property
When you sign up for a SpaceHealing with Danijela, you receive a full-service experience that will transform the energy of your home or business with more power and clarity.
Phase 1: Preparation
In preparation for the SpaceHealing, I will ask if you can send me the property map and the real estate floor plan/blueprint for the property’s ground floor. After reviewing these, I will then go through a checklist of 300 possible “Stress Fields” the property could have – and tune in energetically to determine if they exist on your property and their exact location. This is where the healing begins.
The Stress Fields act like meridian points on your body (such as when you receive acupuncture), freeing up stuck energy within these pivotal sites. For example, if I find there was once a graveyard on the land underneath your property, I will mark the location on a map. Similarly, I will begin to harmonize the Stress Fields on your property to bring them back into balance.
Phase 2: SpaceHealing Ceremony
When I arrive at your property for the SpaceHealing ceremony, I’ll bring a detailed map of the Stress Fields found during Phase 1. This acts as a kind of checklist to navigate through the healing process. I’ll also bring materials to support the ceremony and help you create a unique heart point altar for your home (semi-precious stones, incense, etc.).
Your ceremony may include some or all of the following…
- LandHealing for the property & SpaceClearing of all accessible spaces.
- Activation of various Power Spots (such as the heart point, prosperity, longevity, health, partnership, etc.) on the property and within the building.
- Energetic anchoring of the building for additional stability (if necessary).
- Placement and activation of a “backing” for the property. A solid backing helps to hold the wealth and abundance in your life.
- Activation of nature (e.g., trees) on the property, to restore abundance of nature.
Once the ceremony is complete, we will have a conversation to discuss the healing and how you can ease into the “adjustment period” as the energies are re-calibrating in the space.
Phase 3: Follow-Up
Within a week after your SpaceHealing ceremony, you’ll receive a complete map of your property, marking the location of all significant Power Spots – along with instructions on how to enhance these supportive energies. If you have any additional questions, we can schedule a follow-up call to discuss them within 30 days after your ceremony.